Tasmanian Government Employees creating DEBT for the Department of Justice and hiding commercial evidence by suppressing information and prohibiting the Tasmanian Gazette to print Commercial Crimes as Recorded in the Security By Way of a Liens by the House of Muresan for the public record.

Legal Notice to Department of Treasury and Finance and Department of Justice

Tuesday 11th day of March 2025


We invoke the Law of Equity Proverbs 22:22-23 in the New King James Version (NKJV) states: "Do not rob the poor because he is poor, Nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; For the Lord will plead their cause, And plunder the soul of those who plunder them."

Public Notice of Claim, Notice of Liability and Legal Notice for Payment required is served to the Department of TREASURY AND FINANCE, Tasmanian Government, Department of Justice and to Deputy Premier and Attorney-General Mr Guy BARNETT, Tasmanian Government as per our emails sent on Sep 12, 2024, 4:52 PM to Mr. Gary Swain Secretary of the Department of Treasury and Finance and others including Ms Kate Patmore Assistant Director Office of the Secretary and also as noticed previously and before that to Mr. Michael Ferguson former Deputy Premier, Treasurer by registered post, emails and various means of communication.

NOTICE that I, Alin-Vasile of the House of Muresan, have an Affidavit of Obligation –Security by way of a lien against, and therefore an interest in, the personal estates of the below employees of the STATE.

Legal Notice for payment Security By Way of a Lien Number HOM-WAYNE-JOHNSON-Lien-001 Friday 28th day of June 2024 (we made note on the front cover Friday 28th day of (June 2022) was printed in error, however does not nullifies the content of the Security by way of a Lien to the Total agreed debt as a resolution for the criminal offences of Mr Wayne Johnson in the position of Director, Monetary Penalties Enforcement Service hence the correct date was on the top of the Security by way of a Lien This day known as 28th day of June 2024. Total amount we make a claim $425,000,000.00 Four Hundred and Twenty Five Million Australian Dollars (Fiscal Legal Tender)

Legal Notice for payment Security By Way of a Lien against Mr Timothy Grant in the position of Valuer-General for The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment Lien Number HOM-TimothyGrant-Lien-AM001 7th Day of January 2022 Total amount we make a claim $ 42,000,000.00 Forty Two Million Australian Dollars (Fiscal Legal Tender)

Legal Notice for payment Security By way of a Lien against Mr. Jason Browne in the position of General Manager Huon Valley Council Lien Number HOM-JasonBrowne-LIEN-AM001 1st July 2022 Total amount we make a claim $235,000,000.00 Two Hundred and Thirty Five Million Australian Dollars. (Fiscal Legal Tender)

Legal Notice for payment Security By way of a Lien, against Mr. MATTHEW GRIMSEY, DIRECTOR LEGAL AND GOVERNANCE SERVICES HUON VALLEY COUNCIL Lien Number HOM-MATTHEW GRIMSEY-LIEN-AM-001 Total amount we make claim $6,100,000 Six Million and One Hundred Thousand Australian Dollars. (Fiscal Legal Tender)

This Legal Notice Instrument for Claim is issued to TREASURY AND FINANCE, Department of Justice and to Deputy Premier and Attorney-General and Treasurer Mr Guy BARNETT and to Mr. Gary SWAIN, Secretary of the Treasury and Finance to pay remedy to Mr Alin Muresan and or Mrs Loredana Muresan with a written cheque, registered post, to the value of Total amount of $708,100,000.00 Seven Hundred Eight Million and One Hundred Thousand Australian Fiscal Legal Tender currency and post it to Mr. Alin Vasile Muresan and Mrs. Loredana Adina Muresan within 7 days of this Public Notice. Cash is accepted as method of payment. Ignorance is no excuse. After 21 days additional charges of $708,100,000.00 will be charged against each Cabinet member, advisers, MP’s and against their Legal Title and future successors and earnings in any office Department of Justice, Tasmanian Government. The Beneficiary and Executor has endorsed this by Voice through a phone to Mr Guy Barnett office. Silence gives consent, Silence creates a legal binding agreement by acquiescence.

Alin Vasile, Beneficiary and Executor, Without ill will or vexation. For and on behalf of the Principal legal embodiment by the title MR ALIN MURESAN

F or and on behalf of the Attorney General of the House of Muresan. For and on behalf of Alin-Vasile of the House of Muresan. No Assured Value. No Liability. Errors and Omissions Excepted. All Rights Reserved.

Public Notices Tasmania